You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.38.2

Falco v0.38.2 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Output Formatting

Format Falco Alerts for Containers and Kubernetes

Previous guides introduced the Output Fields of Falco Rules and provided Guidelines on how to use them. This section specifically highlights additional global formatting options for your deployment, complementing the information previously provided.

First, note that you can always manually edit any rule to output more or fewer fields by simply editing output section for a given rule within the rules' YAML file.

# Original rule output
output: Executing binary not part of base image (proc_sname=%proc.sname proc_exepath=%proc.exepath parent=%proc.pname command=%proc.cmdline terminal=%proc.tty

# Remove output fields
output: %proc.sname

# Add more output fields again
output: %proc.sname %proc.is_exe_upper_layer

However, adding the same output field to multiple rules manually can be tedious. Thankfully Falco has a shortcut to make this eaier.

Falco inherently supports event decoration for associated Container and Kubernetes metadata using a special placeholder field ( in a rule's output section.

To take advantage of event decoration, you need to run Falco with either the -pk or -pc command-line option.

If you have an even more customized use case, Falco also provides a -p flag where you can define additional custom output fields to be included in each rule.

Example Rule

- rule: Drop and execute new binary in container
  desc: SKIPPED
    and container
    and proc.is_exe_upper_layer=true 
    and not container.image.repository in (known_drop_and_execute_containers)
  output: Executing binary not part of base image (proc_sname=%proc.sname proc_exepath=%proc.exepath parent=%proc.pname command=%proc.cmdline terminal=%proc.tty
  priority: CRITICAL
  tags: [maturity_stable, container, process, mitre_persistence, TA0003, PCI_DSS_11.5.1]

Scenario 1

The rule outputs include, but Falco is started without any command line flags:

sudo /usr/bin/falco  -c /etc/falco/falco.yaml -r falco_rules_test.yaml

In this case Falco will output and but no other container metadata will be displayed:

03:00:45.104332605: Critical Executing binary not part of base image (proc_sname=bash user=root process=sleep proc_exepath=/tmp/sleep parent=bash command=sleep 10000 terminal=34816 container_id=0fdb3cd5b5fc container_name=optimistic_newton)

Scenario 2

The rule outputs include, and Falco is started with the -pc flag:

sudo /usr/bin/falco  -c /etc/falco/falco.yaml -r falco_rules_test.yaml -pc

The output includes the default container fields:

03:02:52.019002207: Critical Executing binary not part of base image (proc_sname=bash user=root process=sleep proc_exepath=/tmp/sleep parent=bash command=sleep 10000 terminal=34816 container_id=0fdb3cd5b5fc container_image=ubuntu container_image_tag=latest container_name=optimistic_newton)

Scenario 3

The rule outputs include, and Falco is started with the -pk flag:

sudo /usr/bin/falco  -c /etc/falco/falco.yaml -r falco_rules_test.yaml -pk

Output includes the default container fields and the default Kubernetes fields:

03:03:23.573329751: Critical Executing binary not part of base image (proc_sname=bash user=root process=sleep proc_exepath=/tmp/sleep parent=bash command=sleep 10000 terminal=34816 container_id=0fdb3cd5b5fc container_image=ubuntu container_image_tag=latest container_name=optimistic_newton k8s_ns=my_ns k8s_pod_name=my_pod_name)

Scenario 4

The rule outputs include, and you run Falco with the -p flag while providing custom output fields:

sudo /usr/bin/falco  -c /etc/falco/falco.yaml -r falco_rules_test.yaml -p "k8s_pod_uid=%k8s.pod.uid proc_pexepath=%proc.pexepath"

The output includes your custom output fields along with the default and because the rule still contained the placeholder field:

03:05:34.475000383: Critical Executing binary not part of base image (proc_sname=bash user=root process=sleep proc_exepath=/tmp/sleep parent=bash command=sleep 10000 terminal=34816 container_id=0fdb3cd5b5fc container_name=optimistic_newton) k8s_pod_uid=my_pod_uid proc_pexepath=/usr/bin/bash